Communicate with the Library about a specific item:
- In the Reading List, click on the title which you would like to discuss. The Details Pane will open on the right.
- Type your comment or question in the Library Discussion box. Select Submit Comment. The note will be received by the Library, along with citation details. The Library staff will respond in due course.
Tip: Use tags to quickly communicate your requirements with the Library. Tags with the mortar board symbol are visible to students and staff. Tags with the book symbol are visible to Library and instructors only.
Communicate with the Library about your List:
- Navigate to the List, and select it.
- Use the Library Discussion box in the right panel. Submit Comment.
- Your discussion comment will be received by the Library staff member responsible for processing your list. Responses from the Library will also appear in this section. If your inquiry requires a detailed response, the Library processing staff will email you.