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Leganto Library reading lists

A guide for course instructors on using reading lists

Steps to finalise your list

  1. Check if you need to apply tags - you can notify the Library of specific Reserve requests by applying tags to an item.
  • Tags Students can see
    • Required Reading
    • Recommended 
    • Further reading
  • Tags Instructors and the Library can see
    • Request part digitisation [make part of a work digitally available]
    • Short loan 2 hour [Physical]
    • Short loan 2 day [Physical]
    • Purchase suggestion
  1. Check the list statuses. Some records will need to be manually sent to the Library for processing.
  2. Send the list to the Library for processing.
  3. Check all the links direct to the readings properly.
  4. Publish the list - You can publish a reading list when complete, or work on it live

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team