Sent (on an individual item) – the item (citation) has been sent to the Library for review but has yet to be actioned. Items with a sent status are not visible to students.
Sent (on a list) – the instructor has sent the reading list, or any citation on the list, to the Library for processing.
Being prepared – the citation OR reading list is being prepared by the instructor, has not been sent to the Library, and is not visible to students.
Being processed – the Library has started working on the citations in the reading list, but they are not yet visible to students.
Complete – the Library has finished processing the reading list and it is ready. Materials for complete citations are visible to students if the list is also published.
Declined – the Library was unable to fulfil the reading list, or the citation is not available. In this case the Library will contact the instructor.
Published – the list has been made visible to students. Publishing the list sends it to the Library for processing. Items (citations) which do not need further processing are visible to students.
A citation status 'Complete'.