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AGLC Referencing Style

A guide to applying AGLC

Print dictionaries

Rule AGLC 7.6 (AGLC4)

Print dictionaries are cited as follows:

Dictionary title - italicise the title.

Edition number and publication year - put the publication information in round brackets. Edition number is followed by 'ed,'.

Entry title - not italicised, but within single quotation marks.

Definition number - if there are multiple definitions, indicate which entry is being used. Include in round brackets and precede with 'def'.


Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary (12th ed, 2013) 'merger'.

LexisNexis Concise Legal Dictionary (5th ed, 2015) 'estate'.

Macquarie Dictionary (5th ed, 2099) 'demise' (def 4).

Online dictionaries

Rule AGLC 7.6 (AGLC4)

Online dictionaries are cited as follows:

Dictionary title (online at date of retrieval - italicise the title.

Entry title - not italicised, but within single quotation marks.

Definition number - if there are multiple definitions, indicate which entry is being used. Include in round brackets and precede with 'def'.


Macquarie Dictionary (online at 26 August 2019) 'jury' (def 2).

Australian Law Dictionary (online at 1 July 2019) 'gene patents'.

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