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AGLC Referencing Style

A guide to applying AGLC

Using Zotero

Using Zotero, you can import an individual reference, or a list of search results straight from your web browser. Once you have located an online resource, just click the Zotero icon  in the browser menu bar to import. You can also import a snapshot of a webpage or drag and drop a pdf file from your computer. 


Zotero works well with databases such as HeinOnline, LegalTrac and Google Scholar. It does not automatically connect with LexisNexis or Westlaw. It also has some trouble with UN documents and treaties. In these situations you can:

  • Download the pdf of the document and drag it into your Zotero library. Right click on the document and select 'retrieve metadata for pdf' (this will not always find a full citation).
  • Search for the same resource in Library Search, HeinOnline, Google Scholar or another supported database and import the citation from there.
  • Add the citation manually (see tutorial video in left panel). In Zotero click the  button, select the type of resource and then fill in the appropriate information e.g. author, title, year etc.

Hints and tips

Zotero is referencing tool good for organisation, storage and citation. 

You can make folders to organise items within your library as well as add files and notes to your resources.

Here's a few other useful tips:

  • Always double check the citations imported by Zotero don’t have any mistakes in them.
  • Zotero will automatically add 'ibid' and 'above'.
  • When entering manual citations you only need to fill in the fields used in the citation and you can leave the rest blank.
  • When manually entering reported cases, use the following fields: item type, case name, date decided, reporter, reporter volume and first page.When a law report is organised by year and there is no volume number, enter the year with  a square bracket in the reporter volume field. When a law report is organised by year and there is a volume number, enter both the year with a square bracket and volume number in the reporter volume field. 
  • When manually entering a Statute: put the jurisdiction under ‘code’, you do not need to include the brackets.
  • You can add pinpoint pages in a popup window when adding the citation to Word.
  • Always remember to backup your library, this is not the same as syncing it online.
  • Once you have added a Bibliography, you will need to copy/paste the references into the right categories/order according to the AGLC rules. 

Backing up

It is strongly recommended that you regularly back up your Zotero library. Syncing is not a good substitute for backing up: the Zotero server only stores the most recent version of your library.

To back up your Zotero library:

  • locate the Zotero data directory where your Zotero data is stored on your computer. To do this click on the actions button (gear icon) in the Zotero toolbar and select preferences - Advances tab - Show Data Directory
  • Close Firefox and/or Zotero Standalone, and copy your Zotero data directory to a backup location, such as a flash drive or Dropbox.

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