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AGLC Referencing Style

A guide to applying AGLC

International Criminal Tribunals and Courts

AGLC Rule 12.2 (AGLC4)


The details required are:  Parties;  phase;  court; chamber; case number; day, month, year; pinpoint number.


Simba v Prosecutor (Judgement) (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Appeals Chamber, Case No ICTR-01-76-A, 27 November 2007) [40]–[41].

Prosecutor v Al Bashir (Warrant of Arrest) (International Crimina Court, Pre-Trial Chamber 1, Case No ICC-02/05-01/09-1, 4 March 2009).

Prosecutor v Kambanda (Decision Ordering Continued Detention) International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Trial Chamber 1, Case No ICTR-97, 1 May 1998).

Parties - Include the case name in italics. The order of the names should be reversed for appeals.

Phase - Italicise the phase and put in brackets after the parties' names. See AGLC 12.2.1 for further details.

Court - The name of the court should be included in its commonly used shortened form (if any exists).

Chamber - Include the type of chamber and any numerical designation, in Roman numerals.

Case Number - Precede by the words 'Case No' and adhere to rule 9.2.10.

Date - Include the full date of the judgment.

Pinpoint Reference - Should be to paragraph numbers.


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