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AGLC Referencing Style

A guide to applying AGLC

Statutes and Delegated Legislation

AGLC Rule 3 (AGLC4)

Statutes (Rule 3.1)

The details which must be included are:

Title of the Act - put in italics

Year - put in italics

Jurisdiction - use abbreviation and round brackets

Pinpoint - identify the particular section, paragraph, part, schedule, etc. (See AGLC3 rule 3.1.4 for the appropriate abbreviations for pinpoint references to Acts.


Family Law Act 1975 (Cth).

Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) s 23.

Registered Clubs Act 1976 (NSW) ss 41J-41P.

Health Services Act 1988 (Vic) s 47(2)(a).

Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (ACT) pt 2.1.

Delegated Legislation (Rule 3.4)

Delegated legislation, such as regulations, rules and orders, is cited the same way as Acts.


Migration Amendment Regulations 2010 (No 1) (Cth) reg 9.

Court Procedures Rules 2006 (ACT) r 34.

Australian Constitutions (Rule 3.6)

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia may be cited as:

Australian Constitution.

Commonwealth Constitution, or

Constitution (if there is no ambiguity as to which constitution is being cited).

Where necessary the Constitution may also be referred to within its enacting legislation as:

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp) 63 & 64 Vict, c 12, s 9.

Constitutions of the Australian states should be cited as normal statutes.


Constitution Act 1962 (NSW) s 5.

Constitution Act 1934 (Tas) s 9.

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