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A guide to Australian legal research resources

Finding the full text of a law report

When you have a reference to a case you need to find the title of the report series the case is in then search the ANU Library holdings to see if we hold the series online or in print.

Follow the steps below:

  • Make a note of the full citation (year, volume, report series title, page) eg. (2009) 240 CLR 1
  • Find the title of the law report series in one of the abbreviations lists (see below)  ie. CLR is Commonwealth Law Reports
  • To find if the case is available ONLINE search the Full text e-journals for the title of the report series
    • Select the database that covers the date required
    • Browse or search for your case
  • To find if the case is available in PRINT (usually older report series) search the Catalogue for the title of the report series
    • Law Library report series are in primary collection on level 2

Where to find abbreviations:

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