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A guide to Australian legal research resources

Finding the full text of a journal article

When you have a reference to a journal article you need to find the title of the journal that the article is in and then search the ANU Library to see if it is held online or in print.

Follow the steps below:

  • Make a note of the full citation (volume, title, page, year) eg. 33 Fed. L. Rev. 391 (2005)
  • Find the journal title abbreviation in one of the abbreviations lists (see below) ie.  Fed. L. Rev is the Federal Law Review
  • to find if it is available ONLINE search Full text e-journals by journal title
    • Select the database that covers the date range you require
    • Browse or search for your article
  • to find if it is available in PRINT (often older journals) search the Catalogue for the title of the journal
  • Check which ANU library holds the journal and note the call number
    • Law Library journals are in compactus on level 1


Where to find abbreviations:

Page Contact: ANU Library