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Using Primo

A guide to using the ANU Library search and discovery platform

Saving searches

Saving a search will allow you to come back and rerun it later.

Save a search

  • Ensure you are logged into Primo.
  • Run a search and apply any filters to refine the results.
  • Select the Save Query icon at the top of the search results. 


The search will now be saved to your favourites.

Managing saved searches

To rerun a saved search:

  • Click on your name in the top right of the screen to open your My Library Record menu.
  • Go to the My Favourites menu.
  • Select the Saved Searches tab to view your saved search queries.
  • Select search to rerun and display results.

To delete a saved search:

  • Start in the My Favourites menu on the Saved Searches tab.
  • Select the pin icon with a strike through to remove the saved search.

Working with a record

There are a number of actions that you can take with a Primo record. Some of these appear on the right hand side of the record, but you can find more under the ellipses (...).

If you click on the ellipses you will get the full list of actions that you can take, including creating a permalink to the record, exporting the record to EndNote, and printing or emailing the record.

The list of action items appears in each item's full record from the Send item details link.

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