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Using Primo

A guide to using the ANU Library search and discovery platform

Understanding the results

You can identify the resource type from the description above the title of the item.

This will tell you whether the item is a book, journal, article, or multimedia (e.g. video). It will also tell you if the item is available online and at which branch it is held.

If the results list indicates there are multiple versions, this means there are multiple editions or different formats of the item available.  

Understanding journal article results

The ANU Library subscribes to many journal titles in both print and online. Primo will search across the catalogue of print journals and online titles to compile of list of articles relevant to your search.

Some articles can be accessed from the brief record:

  • open the article the PDF by clicking Get PDF
  • select Read Online to open in HTML


You will find these options on the brief results page if available.

You can click on Available Online to open the full record and click through to the article from the View Online links in the record.

Item details in the holdings record

Clicking on the title of an item will open a more detailed view. This record is where you will find the full item details and the following headings:

  • Send Item Details - ways to send the record to yourself or others. You can copy the citation in your preferred style, copy the permalink, print the record, or export the citation details to EndNote or via RIS format to your citation manager i.e. Zotero.
  • Details - information about the resource such as title, creator, subject (what it's about), publisher details, and more. Some records will have more details than others, including a description of the resource. If any of the details are in blue, you can click through to other resources with the same details.
  • View Online - details on where to access the full text (if the item is available online).
  • Find in Library - details about where to find the physical item including the branch it is in, the call number (where to find it on the shelf), and if the resource is available to loan. If you are logged in, you will also see any request options like Click & Collect or request from the Print Repository.
  • Request it from other Libraries - details on how to submit a request to Document Supply Services to try and source the item from other libraries (if not available from the ANU Library collections).
  • Virtual Browse - lets you see what is near this item on the Library shelves (if the resource is a physical item).

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