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Research data management

DMPTool at ANU

ANU uses the DMPTool service for the creation and management of data management plans.

Using DMPTool

Click on Sign In, select Option 1 and type in Australian National University (ANU). 

ANU recommends the use of the default DMPTool template - tick the box next to No funder associated with this plan or my funder is not listed on the first page of the Create a New Plan template and click on Create Plan.

To complete the plan you will need to consider the following:

Data Collection
  • What data will you collect or create?
  • How will the data be collected or created?
Documentation and Metadata
  • What documentation and metadata will accompany the data?
Ethics and Legal Compliance
  • How will you manage any ethical issues?
  • How will you manage copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (IP/IPR) issues?
Storage and Backup
  • How will the data be stored and backed up during the research?
  • How will you manage access and security?
Selection and Preservation
  • Which data are of long-term value and should be retained, shared, and/or preserved?
  • What is the long-term preservation plan for the dataset?
Data Sharing
  • How will you share the data?
  • Are any restrictions on data sharing required?
Responsibilities and Resources
  • Who will be responsible for data management?
  • What resources will you require to deliver your plan?

Creating a Data Management Plan in DMPTool – Part 1

The first video shows what a data management plan is, why you need to create a plan and how to login to DMPTool.


Creating a Data Management Plan in DMPTool – Part 2

The second video shows how to provide detailed information for your data management plan using DMPTool.

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team