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Research data management

Data Licensing

If you are the copyright holder and you do not license your research outputs (e.g. your data), no-one else can legally use it. A comprehensive Guide provides information relevant to data owners, users and suppliers. It includes flowcharts to guide decision making about data licensing and data reuse. The guide covers:

  • Copyright basics
  • Copyright and data
  • Who owns your data?
  • Rights management for data you own or create
  • Choosing a licence & Creative Commons
  • Considerations for data you reuse
  • Complying with licence permissions
  • Considerations for data supplied through a facility
  • Support for licensing in data facilities

Australian National Data Service. (2018).  Research Data Rights Management Guide Released  September, 2018 from

Software Licenses

A list of software licenses is located on the Open Source Initiative website. ARDC does not enforce any of these, but we encourage Partners to adopt one of the Google recommended licenses (i.e. ApacheArtisticBSDGPLv2GPLv3LGPLMITMPL, and EPL).

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team