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Philippine Studies

A guide to Philippine Studies resources available from the ANU Library

ProQuest Ebook Central

Ebook Central

ProQuest is a large multidisciplinary database which provides access to a variety of content across a huge range of subjects.

JSTOR e-books

JSTOR offers full-text access to academic e-books, and benefits include:

  • high quality content: more than 110,000 e-books are available from leading academic publishers around the world
  • easy to find: e-books are cross-searchable with journal articles on the JSTOR platform
  • easy to use: no need to log in or use special software. E-books are downloadable as standard PDFs.

Cambridge Books Online

Cambridge University Press (CUP) is one of the largest and most prestigious academic publishers in the world.

They publish a wide range of high-quality academic content, including leading journals, research monographs, reference works and textbooks.

Cambridge Core provides access to their unique, scholarly content in a searchable online platform.

ANU Press

ANU Press is a globally recognised leader in open-access academic publishing. They produce fully peer-reviewed monographs and journals across a wide range of subject areas, with a special focus on Australian and international policy, Indigenous studies and the Asia-Pacific region.

To date, ANU Press has published over 1,000 publications, all of which are freely available on their website.

You can also browse the Open Research Repository to view a digital reproduction of ANU Press works from 1965 to 1991. This collection aims to expose this valuable resource to a whole new audience in an online world.

Page Contact: ANU Library