Open Educational Resources - OERs - are educational materials that are available under an open license. This means you can freely use, adapt and distribute these resources.
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Open Educational Resources for Criminology
Below are a selection of quality OERs for criminology.
Crime and Criminology courses through FutureLearn, a platform that includes free courses from a range of institutions from around the world. Course resources include lecture notes, video, audio, and articles, covering subjects such as international criminal law, criminal justice, forensics, art crime and terrorism.
Criminal Justice courses through edX include lecture notes, reading lists, open access textbooks and other related course materials.
Criminology textbooks through, part of the Internet Archive project, cover topics such as criminal justice, violence, race, gender, criminological theory and social control.
A range of Criminology courses, texts and learning exercises are available through Merlot, a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
Academic Earthwas launched on the premise that everyone deserves access to a world-class education. It includes a collection of free online criminology-related college courses from some of the world’s top universities.