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This guide covers everything you need to know about getting started with EndNote.

Update and Annotate

EndNote can locate full-text files online by using data stored in your references. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the files to the references. This function usually only works with approximately 30% of references. This is due to publishing and licensing restrictions, which limit EndNote's ability to find and download full text documents. Where EndNote cannot find a full text document, it may instead provide a URL or DOI to allow online access. This function is useful if you have a large library of citations with no full text attachments.

  1. To Find Full-Text, select the references that you wish to search for and click on the References menu.

  2. Select Find Full-Text. 

  3. A temporary group set called Find Full Text is visible in the left-hand menu. It displays both the search progress and the final results of the search for full-text articles.

Tip: For ANU students and staff, to enable the Find Full-Text functionality on your own computer or laptop, activate the Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text (MAC: EndNote > Preferences > Find Full Text) menu dialog and replace any entries in the OpenURL Path field with and in the Authenticate with URL field with

Find Full-Text should also work when you are off campus. You will have to authenticate (Uni ID and ISIS/HORUS password only, don't select any of the options on the Find Full-Text login dialog).

Add PDFs

Each citation record in your EndNote library may have multiple files attached to them.

To attach items:

  1. Select an item in your EndNote library by clicking on it, and click + Attach File in the right-hand panel citation preview.
  2. Using the dialogue box, navigate to the attachment's file location.
  3. Select the attachment and click Open.
  4. The attachment will now appear above the + Attach File button, in the citation preview.
  5. Select File Save (or CTRL+S/Cmd + S).


  1. Drag the file that you wish to attach from your file explorer.
  2. Drop the file on the reference you wish to attach it to.
  3. Save. 


Annotate a PDF

Annotating PDF materials enables you to record thoughts, impressions, or ideas for usage within each individual source.

To annotate a PDF:

  1. Select the citation in your EndNote library and click on the PDF button in the right-hand preview panel. This will open the PDF in the side panel. In the top right-hand corner of the panel, there is a pop-out button that will open the PDF in a new window if you want to make it full-screen.  
  2. Click on the comment icon at the top left of the PDF window to open the annotation toolbar. 
  3. In the annotation toolbar, you will have the option to highlight, underline, or add a comment to your PDF.
  4. To use one of these tools, highlight the text in the PDF, and then click the appropriate icon. 
  5. To save your work, use CTRL + S/Cmd+ S or close the window and select the option to save. 

Any annotations that you make to a PDF in EndNote will remain saved for the future, and if you share your library the annotations will be shared as well. 

Update References

EndNote can locate and update citation records in your library for which you may only have partial and/or incomplete information. Normally, a citation needs to have at least one name listed in the author field, as well as four or more words in the title field, in order to find an update.

To search for reference updates:

  1. Select the reference within your EndNote library by clicking on it.
  2. Right-click with your mouse, and select Find Reference Updates, or select References Find Reference Updates from the file menu at the top of the screen.
  3. If an update for your selected reference is found, a Review of Available Updates will be displayed.
  4. You now have the option to update All Fields of the reference, or only the Empty Fields.
  5. A third option is to Edit References and manually update reference fields.

The citation records cross-referenced using this function are sourced from Crossref.

Duplicates are common, particularly if you are importing records from a range of different databases. It is a good idea to regularly run EndNote's de-duplicator through your library. 

To find duplicates:

  1. Click on the Library menu and select Find Duplicates
  2. EndNote will scan your entire library for duplicate references. A reference is considered a duplicate if the author, title, and date match, or if the DOI is the same. 
  3. EndNote will present each duplicate side by side. You will have to select the reference that you wish to keep; the other will be deleted. 

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