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Finding Library Resources


This page will assist you to find ANUAustralian, and International theses and dissertations to support your research.

ANU Theses

The ANU theses collection can be searched via the Library Catalogue or the SuperSearch box below.

All hard copy ANU theses, with the exception of those with access restrictions, are available for public reading within the Library branches. ANU theses are not available for inter-library lending but an electronic copy may be purchased subject to conditions.

ANU Honours theses are held by the ANU Colleges with the exception of selected ANU Law Honours theses which are held in the Law Library.

Some ANU electronic PhD, MPhil, and Doctorate by Research theses, are available in the ANU Digital Theses collection or the search box below.


Accessing Non-ANU Theses

ANU staff and students are able to request theses from other institutions, both in Australia and overseas, using the ANU Library's Document Supply Service.

For details on how to make a request, and any associated costs, please visit the Document Supply Services webpage.

Page Contact: ANU Library