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Library Research

Open research

ANU Open Research which provides access to the scholarly outputs of the University, including theses, book chapters, articles and conference papers, as well as non traditional outputs such as posters and images.

How do I find and access Open Research content?

You can perform a simple keyword search for content using the search box found on the homepage. You may combine your search terms using Boolean Operators, along with wildcards and truncators. The advanced search function allows you to add filters to refine your search results prior to commencing your search.

You may also browse for content by Issue Date, Author, Title, Subject and/or Type.

When browsing search results, click on the item's title to access the full record.

In many cases, search results can be accessed in full text format, where available. Simply click on the Download (PDF) link in the upper right-hand corner of each item record.

For other items, however, you may find a link to the published version, as shown below. Alternately, for some items, you may need to Request a Copy of the content, using a simple web form. Your request will then be actioned by Open Research staff, who will advise you as to whether the item is available. Please note, some materials are embargoed, meaning access may be restricted, and Open Research staff can provide more information in relation to specific items.

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team