Electronic books, commonly referred to as e-books, are digital versions of published books, and the ANU Library provides access to a wide variety of titles from a sizeable selection of different publishers and digital providers. Freely available to students, staff, and other members of the ANU community, they are accessible wherever you have an internet connection — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to reading e-books online, many can also be downloaded to your own personal computer or mobile device.
Frequently, the ANU Library has digital versions of books which we also hold in printed format. Conversely, we also have e-books which we do not also hold in printed format — so the format of books contained within the Library's collection is wide and varied. Wherever possible the Library acquires new book titles in digital format, though it pays to remember that not all new book titles are immediately available in electronic format.
This guide is designed to help you locate, navigate, read, and download electronic titles contained within the Library's e-book collections, and you can easily navigate your way through it by using the tabs located on the left-hand side of the page. So what are you waiting for? There's a wealth of e-books to be explored!