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A guide to electronic books at the ANU Library

Basic searches & browsing

Basic searches

Once you've accessed the EBSCO eBooks platform, navigating via the alphabetical listing on the Library's homepage, you can perform a basic search by entering your search terms and clicking search. You may also specify the fields you wish to search in, such as author, subject, category, year of publication, etc. Search fields can also be linked together using Boolean operators, if desired.

On the search results page, your keywords appear in bold within the both title and the subject categories of the e-book. Each item records provides a link to a full-text PDF for online reading, as well as one to Download for offline reading.


Prior to performing a search for e-book titles, you can browse, making selections from a comprehensive selection of individual subject areas. This function also allows you to select highlighted and featured titles, if you wish. Simply click on a category to display individual texts, or on the featured text itself.

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team