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Computer Science

A guide to computer sciences resources available from ANU Library.

High impact journals

The following list of journals are those with the highest impact factor in the Computer science, interdisciplinary applications category in the 2022 edition of Journal Citation Reports  (JCR). Over 150 titles are listed in this category in JCR and the top 10 of these are listed below.

 Journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year. Please note that these results are based on data from the Web of Science collection only.

  1. Foundations and trends in computer graphics and vision
  2. Nature machine intelligence
  3. Journal of industrial information integration
  4. IEEE transactions on industrial informatics
  5. Computers & education
  6. Nature computational science [Click here to request from other libraries]
  7. Medical image analysis
  8. IEEE transactions on medical imaging
  9. Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing 
  10. Computers in industry

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