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Open Access Publishing Agreements (RAP and S20)

Open Access Publishing Agreements

Read and Publish (RAP) agreements are ‘transformative’ agreements that combine the cost of reading (closed, subscription access) and publishing (Article Processing Charges (APCs)). The end goal of RAP agreements is a fully open access publishing environment.

Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a model that some publishers are using to move their journals to fully open access for a particular year when they receive enough Library subscriptions. 

From a researcher’s perspective, when a journal is part of an S2O agreement, the current year’s publications are available open access, and any author publishing an article in the included journals will have their work published open access with no article processing charges (APCs).

In 2025, the ANU Library is participating in 21 RAP agreements, which will enable Australian National University (ANU) authors to publish accepted articles into eligible journals without any APCs. Details for each of these agreements, including information for authors, can be accessed via the navigation tabs of this guide. 

Please see the list of all included journals in Read and Publish and Subscribe to Open Agreements the University participates in. Filter by title, FoR, publisher and more.

Principles for ANU Library participation in RAP agreements

The ANU Library participates in RAP agreements where there are perceived benefits for ANU, and where additional financial commitments are minimised.

The following principles are used when determining whether to participate: 

  • Alignment with the University’s research.

  • Enhancement of the University’s research impact and engagement.

  • Alignment with the University’s strategic plan.

  • Agreements must support the needs of, and have support from, academics.

  • Agreements must be cost-neutral compared to existing subscription agreements.

For each RAP offer, existing trends in ANU publishing outputs are analysed to determine whether a RAP would be beneficial to the ANU community. Cost impacts over time are also considered, including a comparison of expenditure between subscription and RAP costs, and consideration of any projected price increases over time.

Further information

Further information is available under the FAQ tab. If you have any questions or feedback please contact us for assistance.


The information in this LibGuide was adapted from Read and Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL via a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution Licence.

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