Various trade unionists, political activists and academics collected records about Australia’s anti-Vietnam war activities and campaigns for world peace. The items listed below are just a sample.
Subject files
Z267/17: Statement on Vietnam war and conscription for overseas service, 1970
Z267/24: Letter from Sydney trade unions to the United States Consul General regarding bombing of Hanoi, July 1966
Z267/25: Compulsory military service leaflets and circulars, 1966-1970 (includes correspondence regarding conscientious objector, Geoff Mullen, 1966-1970)
Z267/26: World Federation of Trade Unions (Vietnam) circulars, (1965-1966), Project Vietnam Committee and Vietnam Action Committee circulars and leaflets (1964-1966), Vietnam, an address by Professor Wheelwright to the Metal Trades Union Conference (1965), Vietnam Moratorium Campaign press cuttings, circulars, leaflets, and some
correspondence (1962-1975), Oppose the Vietnam War, a paper possibly written by Tom Wright
Z267/18: Women’s Movement anti-Vietnam war demonstration, Punchbowl, NSW, circa 1965 (Mary Wright displays a placard ‛No conscripts for Vietnam’)
Published material
P120/287: End This War, Union Printing Ltd, Sydney, 1966
P120/935: Vietnamese Trade Unions, Hanoi, 1965-1966 (some gaps)
Z267/19: M. O’Brien, Vietnam: why are we there? Sydney, Australian Railway Union, 1966; Nguyen Huy Hoang (ed.)The Truth about the policy of Expansion and Hegemony, Vietnam News Agency; Vietnamese Trade Unions, Hanoi, No. 3, 1964
Z267/27: Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD) Newsletter, 1965-1971
N312/5: Vietnam war and compulsory military service, 1964-1971 (printed material)
Subject files
P124/525-532; P128/1-12: Anti-war demonstrations, compulsory military service, 1964-1974 (press clippings)
P128/13: Compulsory military service and Vietnam, 1969 (circulars, pamphlets, letters, notes, leaflets, serials, newspapers cuttings, including items from the Save Our Sons movement)
P124/305-365: Serials, pamphlets, leaflets, correspondence and circulars concerning the peace movement and peace conferences (esp. Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, National Anti- War Conference, 1971) issued by various organisations and people, 1964-1973
P64; P124, P128: Compulsory military service, conscientious objection, the Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, student unrest, etc., 1958-1973 (miscellaneous published and printed material issued by various organisations and people, including the Save Our Sons movement and university student organisations)
P128/16, 91: National service and conscientious objection, 1967-1968 (newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, leaflets, serials, letters)
P128/79-103: Peace Movement and the Vietnam war, 1967-1971 (pamphlets, articles, circulars, leaflets and notes)
P128/104-125: Anti-conscription, 1966-1970 (printed and photocopied material, including public statements by conscientious objectors)
P128/155-156: Compulsory military service, 1965-1971 (press clippings)
Subject files
P122/25: Australian Congress for Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD) - papers delivered at Congress, circular, reports, etc., 1961, 1964-1965
P122/46: Circulars : Committee for Peace in Vietnam, 1964
P122/75: International Trade Union Committee for Solidarity with the Workers and People of South Vietnam, 1965
P122/126-129: Vietnam Action Committee, 1965-1966, Vietnam Educational Workers’ Union, 1965-1966, Vietnam Federation of Trade Unions, 1966
P39/53: Publications and printed material: Leaflets and printed material issued by various organisations and people concerning the Vietnam War, the peace movement, etc., 1957-1967
P94/54/22: Leaflets on Vietnam War and National Service, 1968-1969
P122/572: Posters on compulsory military service (conscription), 1965-1967
P94/1/711, P94/712: In defence of the right to protest, Young Socialists, Sydney, circa 1968 , Smash Conscription, Draft Resisters Union, DRU, Melbourne, 1970
P94/372: Vietnam News Bulletin, Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam, Canberra, Jan-Mar 1970
P122/375: Vietnam Information Bulletin, ANZCICD, Melbourne, circa 1956 (1 issue)
P122/567, 568: Vietnam Action Campaign, Genocide, Sydney, 1960s, Vietnam Action Committee, Project Vietnam, Sydney, 1960s
Subject files
N132/452: Smithsonian Science Information Exchange -database search on settlement of post-1975 Vietnamese refugees, 1979
Subject files
Z457/150: Anti-conscription and student political movements, 1968-1970 (leaflets and pamphlets published by Monash University students)
Z457/152: Paris Peace Accords, 1973
Z457/16: General subject files: Peace Movement, 1963-1977
Z457/24-25, Z457/153-155: Anti-conscription, draft evasion, moratorium campaigns, Vietnam veterans against the war, etc.,1965-1975
Z457/64: American atrocities in Vietnam, 1966
Z457/147, 152: Student protests against the war, 1967-1976 (pamphlets, circulars, brochures, press cuttings, etc.)
Z457/35: Monash University subject files: Vietnam, 1967-1971
Z457/36: National Liberation Front - correspondence, cuttings, statements, signed declaration,
publications, etc., 1966-1967
Subject files
Z296/41: Vietnam War (1964-1970), Peace Movement (1963-1976), AICD (1964)
Z296/10: Anti-conscription (1964-1966), Peace Movement (1957-1970), Vietnam Moratorium Campaign (1966-1971), National and International Protest Campaign (1965-1971), Vietnam War - Seamen’s Union of Australia opposition (pamphlet) (1967)
Subject files
P117/19: Press cuttings and newspapers, 1964-1966