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Australia and the War in South Vietnam, 1962-1975

A guide to materials of interest relating to the War in Vietnam, held by the Noel Butlin Archives Centre

Trade Union and Professional Association records

The Australian trade union movement’s involvement in anti-Vietnam war campaigns is documented in the records of many unions and organisations. The items listed below are just a sample.

Administrative and Clerical Officers' Association

Subject files

E257/235: Department of Defence, 1973-1974
N67/166: Department of Defence, 1975-1976
E257/195: Department of Navy, 1964-1973
E257/184: Department of Army, 1964-1973
E228/213; E257/171; E257/193: Department of Labour and National Service, 1966-1974
E257/236: Manpower – Department of Labour, 1973
E228/288: Leave for War and Defence Service - National Service training, 1965-1969

E257/322: Leave for War and Defence Service - National Service training, 1972-1975

E257/321: National Service training, 1969-1972
E257/323: Sick leave – returned soldiers, 1964-1975
N67/157: Department of Veterans’ Affairs – Repatriation
Department, 1966-1980

Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union

Subject files

Z102/114: Anti-conscription and defiance of the National Service Act, 1955-1973 - newspaper clippings and miscellaneous papers
N131/226-235: Congresses for Peace and Disarmament (Vietnam),1959-1974; Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, National Anti-War Conference, 1971
Z503/10: Publications on the war in South Vietnam, 1965-1972 (Jack Garland collection)

Amalgamated Metal Workers' and Shipwrights' Union

Subject files

N395/1-5: Australian-Vietnam Society bulletins and circulars (1975-1981), correspondence with Vietnamese Federation of Trade Unions, notes on Paris Peace Accords (1972-1974), Vietnamese refugees, solidarity with Indochinese peoples, MV Boonaroo, Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD) and campaigns for peace in Vietnam (1972-1973), etc. (Ron Arnold’s papers), 1966-1981 N24/464-475: Vietnam/anti-conscription (L Carmichael’s files), 1964-1971 - correspondence, circulars, newspaper cuttings, minutes, reports, working papers and printed material regarding general union activities relating to compulsory military service, United States’ and Australian involvement in Indochina, the implementation of the National Service Act, National Anti-War Conference, etc
N24/552: Vietnam after the war (L Carmichael’s correspondence files), 1977-1978 - includes Vietnam Today (Australia-Vietnam Society bulletin) and On the Question of the Representation of the South Vietnamese people (World Peace Council report)

N24/560-561: Correspondence, reports and other papers on trade union and political activities in Vietnam, together with items received by L Carmichael and other AMWU officials, concerning Amnesty International, political prisoners in Southeast Asia, etc., 1972-1975

N24/562-563: Commonwealth Secretary’s papers, 1962-1972 - union reaction to Australia’s involvement in Vietnam (1962), The Anti-War Campaign in Australia by Dr JF Cairns (1970), Stockholm Conference on Vietnam and Commission of Inquiry into US War Crimes (1970)

N24/564-570: Minutes, working papers, book lists, circulars and correspondence (L Carmichael’s files), 1974-1976 - includes Textbooks for North Vietnam, National Trade Union Peace Conference, Vietnam Scientific and Technical Library Project

N395/12-13: Anti-Vietnam war rallies, Sydney (1970-1793), Australian trade union delegation to North Vietnam (1972), aftermath of American air raids, North Vietnam (1972)

Australasian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation


E165/56/11: Anti-Vietnam war demonstration, 1968
E165/56/99: Manly-Warringah Peace Movement demonstration against conscription, 1968
E165/56/68: May Day demonstration, Sydney, 1965

N144/1166: International Trade Union Conference for Solidarity with Workers and Peoples of Indochina struggling against United States aggression – a Chinese Communist delegate’s report, 1965

Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations

Subject files

E215/55: J Baker, Public Relations Officer – notes on Vietnam, 1965-1967; also Viet Nam: questions & answers, Australia. Department of External Affairs, 1966; Vietnam: is it truth we want? by Dr JF Cairns; ‛Vietnam: the dynamics of guerilla war’, p. 20-30, The Bridge, (Sydney, NSW) Australian Jewish Quarterly Foundation, 1967, v. 3. n. 1
E215/470: Signed statement of defiance by members of Hevrat
Ovidim (Israel’s Society of Workers), circa 1965

Australian Council of Trade Unions

Subject files

S784/28: Conscription and Vietnam: ACTU Executive decision as endorsed by Congress, 1967
S784/32: Reconstruction aid to Vietnam – ACTU Congress Agenda Paper, 1975
N21/971: Holloway, E.J., The Australian victory over conscription in 1916-1917, Anti-Conscription Jubilee Committee, 1966
N21/1134: ACTU Secretary’s (H Souter) subject files: Compulsory military service - ACTU Executive decision, 1966
N68/484: Re-establishment of allowance for National Servicemen, 1966
N68/77: ACTU Congress Agenda and Minutes, 1969
N68/83: ACTU Congress Agenda Paper, 1975

N21/1758: Vietnam, 1965-1970

Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers

Subject files

N35/170-171: War Service Pensions, 1971-1973
Z123/31: Vietnam charters - Boonaroo and Jeparit, 1967

Australian International Cabin Crew Association

Subject files

N107/186: Saigon charters, 1965-1972
N107/209: ‛Troubled Areas’ insurance, 1971

Australian Journalists' Association

Subject files

N59/778: Vietnam Moratorium Campaign

N59/1023: 1970 Students’ demonstrations - Noel Hazard incident - correspondence and statements relating to the use of violence by police on journalists covering a students’ demonstration, 2 Jul 1968

Australian Railways Union

Subject files

N11/125: Compulsory military service, 1964-1966
N11/199: Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, 1967-1970
N11/205, 575: War and peace, 1962-1973
E231/575: Correspondence on demobilisation, abolition of conscription, etc., 1962-1965
N5/978-979, 992: Office files - Vietnam, 1964-1970
N79/36: President Ky’s visit to Australia, 1967
N5/1323-1324: Vietnamese Trade Unions, Hanoi, 1961, 1963

Building Workers' Industrial Union of Australia

Subject files

Z392/8: Draft resistance: the dynamics of moral protest, Committee in Defiance of the National Service Act,1969

Clothing and Allied Trade Unions of Australia

Subject files

N84/210: ‛Summit Conference of the Indochinese Peoples’ - report published in Vietnam Federation of Trade Unions No. 5, June 1970

Council of Australian Government Employee Organisations

Subject files

N87/237-238: National Service - trainees pro-rata recreation leave credits, 1965-1968

Federated Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Association

Subject files

N129/102: Australia-Vietnam Society, 1983-1986
N129/2091: Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia, 1983-1986
N81/199: International correspondence (Vietnam), 1964-1966
N81/199, 288: Vietnam Action Committee Newsletter, May 1966; Vietnam Bulletin, British Vietnam Committee, Jun-Sep 1965; Vietnam Courier, Vietnam, 1965-1966
N72/1267: Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD), Trade Union PeaceCommittee, 1967-1969


N72/1810/3-4 May Day demonstration, Sydney, 1974

Federated Ironwowkers' Association of Australia

Subject files

E247/322-323: Correspondence concerning (FIA) Soldiers Welfare Fund, 1964
E247/328: Annual National Conference records - include reports and correspondence on the situation in South East Asia and recommendations from Branches and National Council, 1966
E180/5/8: Garland, J.D. et al, Trade Unions call for united action for a Federal Labor Victory in 1966, Union Printing, Sydney, 1966

Federated Miscellaneous Workers' Union of Australai

Subject files

Z370/78: Federal Council subject files, 1969-1975 - Vietnam Moratorium Campaign (1971-1975), Vietnam (1969)
Z397/3: Federal Council subject files, 1968-1970 - Peace and Vietnam

Marine Cooks, Bakers and Butchers' Association of Australasia

Subject files

N61/360: Disputes - Vietnam issue, 1966-1973

Merchant Service Guild of Australia

Subject files

N51/221: Boonaroo dispute - transcript of proceedings heard before the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission, 1966

New South Wales Farmers' Association

Subject files

N92/849, 988: National Service Scheme, 1966-1974

New South Wales Teachers' Federation

Subject files

N111/1348: Military training of teachers, including W White’s conscientious objection case, 1966-1967
N111/1357: 1394, 1398-1401: Anti-Vietnam war and conscientious objection, 1966-1973
N111/1514: Peace - Vietnam, 1965-1971
N111/1515-1518: Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD), 1965
N111/1522: Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, 1970
N111/1410: Vietnam News Bulletin, Embassy of the Republic of Vietnam, Canberra, Apr 1975

Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Union of Australia

Subject files

N133/1440: Leaflets of various organisations including Victorian Peace Council, Socialist Youth Alliance, ACTU, Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom, 1962-1975

N133/1356: Published and printed material: The Children of Vietnam. Ramparts Extra, Ramparts Magazine
N133/1422: Letters from Vietnam, Victorian Peace Council, Research and Information Centre, 1963
N133/1423: Levien, H., Vietnam – Myth & Reality, 1967
N133/1434: Vietnam: Myth and Reality. An Appraisal of Western Policy, Melbourne University Democratic Socialist Club

N133/1608: Salmon, L., Pig Follows Dog. Two Years in Vietnam, 1960
N133/1609: South Vietnam. The just struggle of the workers and the people for national independence, peace, prosperity, World Federation of Trade Unions, 1963
N133/1611: The Vietnamese people will certainly be victorious, Vietnam Federation of Trade Unions, 1965

N133/289: Vietnamese Trade Unions, Hanoi, 1975-1978
N133/1613: Vietnamese Trade Unions No. 3, 1970 with reports on International Trade Union Conference for Solidarity with N133/107-108: Workers and Peoples of Indochina struggling against United States aggression Australia-Vietnam Friendship Society (Victoria),1974-1984 (includes Constitution; Vietnam News Bulletin; Vietnam Today)

Printing and Kindred Industries Union

Subject files

N12/11: Vietnam Moratorium Campaign Committee in South Australia, 1970

Professional Radio Employees' Institute of Australasia

Subject files

E208/334-335, 338, 340: Crewing of cargo ships MV Jeparit and MV Boonaroo and transport of military supplies to South Vietnam, 1966-1967
E208/323: Seamen’s pensions and allowances - Department of Shipping and Transport and Repatriation Department correspondence, 1965-1967

E208/69: ACTU Congress Report - Vietnam issues, 1967

Seamen's Union of Australia

Subject files

N38/222: Anti-conscription campaigns, 1965-1973
N38/424-427, 490-491; Z91/30, 90, 100: Correspondence with miscellaneous organisations - Vietnam Education Aid Fund, Vietnam Action Campaign, Medical Aid Committee for South Vietnamese Peoples, Association for International Co-operation and Disarmament (AICD), 1965-1969, 1971-1973
Z91/71: Ship delegates’ correspondence on moratorium campaigns and other COM proposals, Aug 1970
Z467/13: Union industrial action over political issues, 1962-1975 - general correspondence
Z91/119: Records of Seamen’s Union Shipboard Committees - MV Boonaroo, 1958-1968
N38/726: National Anti-War Conference, 1971
N38/721-729: Ships for Vietnam, anti-war activity, campaigns for peace, medical aid to Vietnam, boycotts of United States’ shipping, etc., 1966-1972
Z91/50, 99: Subject files – Vietnam, 1963-1964, 1972-1973

Z263/84: Boycotts of shipping, 1972
Z263/84: Vietnam Moratorium Campaign, 1972
Z91/69: MV Jeparit, 1966-1967

Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Industrial Union of Australia

Subject files

E196/3/14/9-10: Correspondence with groups opposed to the war in Vietnam - Youth Campaign against Conscription, Save Our Sons movement, Vietnam Action Committee, etc., 1961-1966
P120/958: Union opposition to the war in South Vietnam, 1965-1966
E206/26: Organisations concerned with Vietnam, 1965-1971 - correspondence, pamphlets, and leaflets. Includes documents from the Junior Eureka League and Vietnam Action Committee Newsletter, 1966 (1 issue)

E206/35-45, 61-62: May Day demonstration, 1967 – with placards protesting over President Ky’s visit to Australia

South Australian Institute of Teachers

Subject files

N127/1507: Correspondence files: National Service, 1969-1972
N91/413: Campaign for Peace - Vietnam Moratorium Campaign Committee in South Australia, 1970

Union of Australian Women

Subject files

Z236/17: Save our Sons movement, 1964-1967

Waterside Workers’ Federation of Australia

Subject files

Z432/5: Committee in Defiance of the National Service Act,1969
N114/1001-1003C: Moratorium Campaign, etc., 1965-1974

N90/421: Correspondence concerning bombing of Vietnam, decisions of ACTU Executive and ALP Conference, Marseilles Conference, MV Jeparit and MV Boonaroo disputes, KJCPL vessel Houtman, Vietnam Jeparit dispute, 1969
Z248/66A: Jeparit and boycott of American shipping, 1969-1973
Z248/75: Printed material - pamphlets, leaflets, etc., 1962-1975

Z248/81: Peace demonstrations, 1965
Z248/81: May Day demonstration and anti- President Johnson protests, 1966

Z248/81: Anti-Vietnam war demonstrations, 1966-1967