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Using your ORCID iD to enhance your Research Profile

Now that you have an ORCID we encourage you to use it to enhance your research profile. It can be just as, if not more, important than your email address.

A growing number of publishers are now requiring an author's ORCID iD, as highlighted by a recent Editorial in the Journal of Materials by C. Barry Carter & Christopher F. Blanford, entitled 'All authors must now supply ORCID identifiers

A list of publishers who have committed to requiring ORCIDs is available at

So make sure to include your ORCID when submitting:

  • articles to journal editors
  • grant applications to funding agencies
  • papers/presentations and posters to conference organizers
  • books and book chapters to publishers
  • research data to a repository.

as well as to any other research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work.

The recommended format is

Check out the other sections in this guide for more specific and detailed ORCID iD functionalities and uses.

If you have any other ideas we would love to hear about them. Please email them to us at and we will be happy to add it to the list.

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