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Italian Language and Culture

A guide to conducting research in Italian studies at ANU, including key resources and search strategies.

Training opportunities

The ANU Library offers a range of free training. 

These sessions can help you begin your thesis; learn research skills; navigate our collections; format your work; use programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, EndNote, NVivo, SPSS, and LaTeX; work on your presentation skills; develop conference posters; put together your citations; and much more!

You can view upcoming sessions on the Library events page.

You can also book a one-on-one session with an adviser on using Microsoft Word and EndNote.

Academic skills help

The Academic Skills team has people and information to help you develop your fundamental academic skills.

ANU students of all levels can get free and confidential help to develop their academic work through individual tutorials, workshops, and online resources.

Book an appointment to discuss time management, study strategies, upcoming assignments, or get feedback on your writing.

Visit the events calendar to register for workshops to increase your skills in writing; researching; editing; publishing; presenting; and more!

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