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To edit a style:
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To add a style:
Choose SAVE AS when attempting to save these files.
Looking for a specific style file? Try the following links:
ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers) |
ASABE.ens |
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
Aust_J_AgriResEcon(mod).ens |
AGLC4 (Australian Guide to Legal Citation, 4th edition) |
Download from UTS. |
APA 7th (American Psychological Association, 7th edition) | |
Biological Reviews | |
BibTex | |
CSIRO journals style |
Download from University of Queensland style files |
Environment Science and Technology | |
European Journal of Soil Science | |
Harvard Style The Harvard style file in EndNote needs some modification. The following amended style files correct the following: The word vol. is inserted before the volume number, the issue number is included and follows the word no. and it is possible to insert page numbers in your in-text references. |
Faculty of Dentistry Harvard style: uq_harvard_2002_v8+.ens |
International Journal of Marketing |
The Style File can be downloaded from this page (scroll to the bottom section "Files") |
Journal of Experimental Biology | |
Journal of Marketing & Journal of Marketing Research |
These templates can be downloaded from this page (scroll to the bottom section "Files") |
Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions |
Download from Styles made for Wageningen UR Library at |
Plant and Cell Physiology |
Download from Styles made for Wageningen UR Library at |
Wiley Interscience journals | |
If you cannot find the Style File you require within EndNote or in the list above, try searching the following site: |
EndNote Output Styles |
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