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This guide covers everything you need to know about getting started with EndNote.

Editing and Adding Styles

Editing a Style

Sometimes, a standard referencing style may not display the information you need for your resource, or EndNote may not have an appropriate source type for the sort of resource you are trying to cite. In this case, you can edit a style in EndNote to make your citations display in the way you want them to.

To edit a style:

  1. Select the Tools menu in EndNote
  2. Click on Output styles
  3. Click on Open Style manager
  4. This will open a dialogue box that shows all of the styles available in EndNote. Select the style you wish to edit and click the edit button
  5. Another dialogue box will appear where you can see the information about the style. By clicking on Citation > templates or Bibliography > templates you can edit the way in which certain types of citation appear in the intext, footnote or bibliography by changing the order the information appears, or adding or removing elements.


Adding a style

In some cases, you may need to use a specific style set by a journal, or a style that is not included in EndNote's collection. You can download extra styles from online, either from the journal website or from other sources.

To add a style:

  1. Download the file and click Save as.
  2. Windows has security measures that prohibit the direct saving of a file into the C:Program Files folder structure from a third party application, such as your browser. Similar restrictions may be in operation on OSX, depending on how your computer is set up. The best way to save one of these amended style types is to first save it to the desktop and copy it into your EndNote style folder in your EndNote program directory (usually located in Windows—C:Program FilesEndNoteStyles or Mac OS X— Harddrive:Applications:EndNote:Styles).
  3. Navigate to Tools > Output styles > Open style manager
  4. Find your new style and click the tickbox next to it to add it to your favourites.

Choose SAVE AS when attempting to save these files.

Looking for a specific style file? Try the following links:

ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)


Note: ASABE uses abbreviations for journal titles which requires the user to downlaod the term lists from Endnote website before they will display. You will need to check your bibliography to ensure the correct abbreviation is displaying.

Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics


Note: AJARE uses headline style capitalization for book titles. EndNote is unable to apply headline style capitalization to just Book titles. Change book titles manually in your EndNote library to ensure references are formatted correctly.

AGLC4 (Australian Guide to Legal Citation, 4th edition)

Download from UTS.

APA 7th (American Psychological Association, 7th edition)

Endnote: APA 7th Output Style Instructions

Biological Reviews

Biological Reviews.ens



CSIRO journals style

Download from University of Queensland style files

Environment Science and Technology


European Journal of Soil Science


Harvard Style
The Harvard style file in EndNote needs some modification. The following amended style files correct the following: The word vol. is inserted before the volume number, the issue number is included and follows the word no. and it is possible to insert page numbers in your in-text references.

Faculty of Dentistry Harvard style: uq_harvard_2002_v8+.ens

School of Health Sciences Harvard 3 style: harvardam3.ens

Faculty of Veterinary Science Harvard style: harvardflinders_usyd.ens

International Journal of Marketing

The Style File can be downloaded from this page (scroll to the bottom section "Files")

Journal of Experimental Biology


Journal of Marketing &
Journal of Marketing Research

These templates can be downloaded from this page (scroll to the bottom section "Files")

Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions

Download from Styles made for Wageningen UR Library at

Plant and Cell Physiology

Download from Styles made for Wageningen UR Library at

Wiley Interscience journals

If you cannot find the Style File you require within EndNote or in the list above, try searching the following site:

EndNote Output Styles

Page Contact: ANU Library