P11/2-3 - 'Fact', a news service published monthly by the Australian Peace Pledge Union and the Christian Socialist Movement, Sydney, May-July 1940
N397 - Variety of papers, publications and serials relating to peace, nuclear weapons, and disarmament, c. 1950s-1980s
P16/1/1 - Conscription: What for?, Australian Peace Alliance, Melbourne, 1916
N150/9 - May Day & Labor Day Organisers Peace Committee D. L. I. & P. W. D Trade Unions, 1964
N150/106 - Builders' Labourers' Federation New South Wales Branch correspondence (includes Association for International Cooperation and Disarmament), 1968
N150/118 - Association for International Cooperation & Disarmament (AICD). Circulars, Committee Meeting Notes & Minutes, leaflets, press statements, financial statements, January-September 1967
N150/153 - 'Pacific’, publication by the Association for International Cooperation and Disarmament, 1966-1967
ANUA758/10 - Power politics and the growing nuclear club, by Arthur Lee Burns, 1959
ANUA758/23 - Reactions to a nuclear-armed Communist China: Australasia, by Arthur L Burns, 1963
ANUA758/35 - Scenario for new players: The end of the Russo-American nuclear hegemony, by Arthur Burns, 1965
ANUA758/43 - The fittest way to survive: We should be preparing to evacuate our cities in case of a nuclear threat, says A L Burns, 1970
ANUA758/44 - Ethics and deterrence: A nuclear balance without hostage cities? By Arthur Lee Burns, 1970
ANUA758/70 - Copies of maps from publication The geopolitics of the nuclear era, 1970s
ANUA758/81 - Paper titled 'Disarmament', 1956
ANUA758/88 - Peace kept by terror: The Superpowers' Moscow agreements on strategic nuclear forces, 1972
ANUA758/102 - Australia's prospects in the world of thermonuclear powers, by A L Burns, 1968
ANUA758/103 - The global nuclear context, military and civil, by A L Burns, 1969
ANUA758/107 - An estimate of nuclear danger to Australians, and a proposal to reappraise evacuation, by A L Burns, 1969
ANUA758/110 - Australia and the nuclear balance, by A L Burns, 1970
ANUA758/112 - Nuclear forces in Australia (a speculative background paper), by Arthur Burns, c. 1969
ANUA758/122 - Lecture [on nuclear weapons policy], Joint Services Staff College, by A L Burns, 30 November 1973
ANUA758/123 - Lecture [on nuclear weapons policy], Joint Services Staff College, by A L Burns, 5 June 1974
ANUA758/135 - Peace research at the ANU, by Arthur Burns, 1983
ANUA758/137 - Untitled paper on nuclear war, by A L Burns, 1981
ANUA758/191 - Measures against nuclear dispersal in the Indo-Pacific area, 1964
N275/164 - Four studies of war and peace in this century, by W K Hancock (inscribed by Hancock to Noel and Joan Butlin), 1961
N378/23 - Report on the World Congress of the Defenders of the Peace, held in Paris from April 20 to 25, by Noel Counihan, member of the Australian delegation, c. 1940
N378/31 - Leaflet 'A Programme for the People from the Party of Peace', 1949
N378/87 - Pamphlet 'The Soviet Union is the Bulwark of Peace, Democracy and Socialism', 1951
N378/172 - Pamphlet 'Industrial Peace?', 1928
Z296/Box 10 - Peace movement, 1957-1970
Z296/Box 23 - World Federation of Trade Unions, International Trade Union Conference for a German Peace Treaty: A Peaceful Settlement of the west Berlin Problem and Against War Provocations, 1961
Z296/Boxes 30 & 32 - Printed material and serials relating to peace, 1950s-1960s
Z296/Box 41 - Peace movement, 1963-1976
Z296/Box 46 - Peace Action in Australia, no date
N343/209 - World Congress of Peace Forces (Moscow) souvenir cards, report and correspondence, 1973
N343/210 - EV Elliott at World Congress of Peace Forces (Moscow), 1973
N343/213 - World Peace Council Conference of Representatives of National Peace Movements (Prague) notes and booklet, 1974
N343/220 - Letter from World Peace Council President Romesh Chandra to Seamen's Union of Australia Branch Secretary John Benson regarding World Peace Council, 1978
N343/303 - German peace movement reports, c. 1970s
N343/397 - Newspaper - Congress of the People's for Peace, Vienna, 1952
N343/455 - Photograph - Japanese State Railway Workers' Union staging demonstration outside Diet building against ratification of peace and security treaties, c. 1950s
N343/487 - Photograph - Australian Council of Trade Unions at Australasian Peace Conference March, Sydney, 1951
N343/488 - Photograph - EV Elliott leading Seamen's Union of Australia New South Wales Branch at Australasian Peace Conference March, Sydney, 1951
N343/495 - Photograph - Seamen's Union of Australia, Federated Waterside Workers and seamen from MV Enfield and SS Caledon march through Port Kembla (Particpants hold banners protesting against H-Bomb and promoting peace), 1956
N343/497 - Seamen participating in peace demonstration, Melbourne, c. 1950s
ANUA740 - Assorted papers relating to the peace movement and peace organisations, events and publications, c. 2010s
N358 - Posters, leaflets, publications, correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, and promotional material relating to the peace movement, anti-nuclear movement, uranium, and disarmament, c. 1980s
N119/8 - Peace organisations press cuttings and circulars, 1952-1956
N119/16A - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - A (includes Australian Convention on Peace and War, Australian Peace Council), 1950s
N119/16C - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - C (includes Convention on War and Peace, Carnival for Peace and Friendship), 1950s
N119/16PQ - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - PQ (includes Peace Forum, Provisional Committee for Peace, Quakers), 1950s
N119/16S - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - S (includes South Australia Peace Council), 1950s
N119/16W - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - W (includes Women's International League for Peace and Freedom), 1950s
N119/16Y - Newscuttings, notes and printed material - Y (includes Youth Action for Peace Congress), 1950s
P44 - Pamphlets and other publications relating to the peace movement and peace organisations and events including the World Congress of the Peoples for Peace, World Peace Congress, and World Peace Council, c. 1940s-1950s
ANUA267 - Research papers relating to the French in the Pacific, c. 1980s-1990s. Includes papers and articles on nuclear testing in the Pacific, French-New Zealand relations and the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.
P5/1/7 - Pamphlet 'The Drain of Armaments', Arthur W Allen, World Peace Foundation, 1913
P5/1/14 - Pamphlet 'Report on conditions in Ireland with demand for investigation by the Peace Conference' by the American Commission on Irish Independence, Paris, 1919
P5/1/21 - Pamphlet 'America and the European War', by Norman Angell, Boston, World Peace Foundation, 1915
P5/1/23 - Pamphlet 'Commercial security; can it be obtained by armaments?', by Norman Angell, London, War and Peace Publishing Co, c. 1915
P5/1/24 - Pamphlet - 'Modern Wars and the Peace Ideal', c. 1915
N171/26-10 - Spain and Peace by Howard Fast, published by the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, New York, 1952
N162/8 - Peace Council, 1937
N162/53 - Australian Youth Carnival for Peace and Friendship Committee, International Songs, 1952
N162/105 - Findings of the Australian Convention on Peace and War, September 1953
N162/127 - International Peace Campaign, Report of Australian Peace Congress held in Melbourne, 16-19 September 1937
N162/407/1 - Paul Robeson for Peace concert - speech and singing during a performance in Sydney (C60 tape), 10 November 1960
ANUA600 - Assorted papers relating to the Bougainville conflict and peace process, 1988-1997
N410/95 - Gulf War - Australian National University Gulf Action Committee membership / contacts lists, 1990
N410/97 - Gulf War - Australian National University Staff Against the War (Posters; notes; press releases, programs and procedures for ANU Gulf War Teach-In; contact lists.), 1991
N410/98 - Gulf War - Bring the Frigates Home Coalition leaflets, 1991
N410/99 - Gulf War - Assorted papers (Leaflets, newsletters and general papers, notes, Canberra Anti-War Movement chronology, newspaper clippings, ISO anti-war notes, Network for Peace papers, protest and rally leaflets, contact lists for Bring the Ships Home, protest song lyrics, WANA), 1990-1991
ANUA378/457 - Program and notes from the International Symposium on Peace and Human Rights in the Asia Pacific, Tokyo, February 2004
ANUA378/711 - Lal, Brij V, The Fall and Rise of Sitiveni Rabuka: Fiji General Elections of 1994, Peace Research Centre Working Paper No 154, Canberra, RSPS, Australian National University, December 1994
ANUA378/732 - South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone, 1981-2001
ANUA378/768 - Poster, ‘Fiji Silenced, Public Forum, 17th August 1987, Teachers Federation , 300 Sussex St...’, authorised by the Nuclear Free & Independent Pacific Co-ordinating Committee, 1987
Z457/Box 16 - Peace movement, 1963-1977
Z457/Box 25 - Vietnam protest clippings, 1967-1971; Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 1971-1975
Z457/Box 47 - Australian left progressive pamphlets (includes anti-war movement), c. 1930s-1970s
Z457/Box 62 - Peace Studies, 1983
Z457/Box 64 - Congress for International Co-Operation & Disarmament, 1976-1983
Z457/Box 65 - Nuclear disarmament, 1978-1983
Z457/Box 70 - END - Journal of European Nuclear Disarmament, 1983-1984
Z457/Box 71 - Peace and Independence, 1985; Peace Studies no. 9, 1984; People for Nuclear Disarmament, 1984-1985
Z457/Box 91 - Nuclear war and disarmament, 1974-1983
Z457/Box 108 - END - Journal of European Nuclear Disarmament, 1984-1985
Z457/Box 114 - 'Against Two Super-Powers: For Independence and Peace', Workers’ Party of Japan, 1977
Z457/Box 125 - International Peace Research Institute, Olso, 1972-1977
Z457/Box 131 - Albert Langer's personal files - Anti-war, 1969-1973
Z457/Box 144 - Paths to Peace, 1974-1979
Z457/Box 147 - Students in dissent files (includes Monash University student protests against the Vietnam War), 1967-1971
Z457/Box 150 - Monash University student material (includes printed material relating to the Vietnam War and anti-conscription), 1967-1970
Z457/Box 153 - Student Protest Pamphlets (May Day, uranium mining, nuclear disarmament), 1979; Anti-conscription (Includes the minutes of the Moratorium campaign), 1969-1974
Z457/Box 154 - Vietnam, 1968-1971
Z457/ Boxes 155 & 156 - Omega and Arms Race correspondence, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, posters, petitions, press releases and membership forms, 1973-1975
ANUA669/11 - Poster - Vietnam - No More Broken Treaties: Honor the Peace Agreement, 1974
ANUA669/16 - Poster - Heaven Hung, Vietnam, Peace, Independence, 1975
ANUA669/80a3 - Poster - Vietnam - Peace and Friendship, 1958
ANUA669/80a8 - Poster - Vietnam - Safeguarding Peace, 1960
ANUA669/81 - Poster - The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Protects the Upper An Cu Lac Nghiep Compatriots, The Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam Protect our Tribal People Enabling Them to Live in Peace and Contentment, 1977
ANUA/642 - Vietnam research papers (includes papers relating to peace groups and campaigns in Vietnam, Indochina and USA), 1970s-1980s
ANUA424/381 - Women and the Peace Movement. Gisella Greer talks to Anna Gibbs. (1 sound cassette), no date
P122 - Circulars of Committee for Peace in Vietnam and Victorian Peace Council, c. 1950s-1960s; Printed materials and publications relating to peace, c. 1950s-1960s; Selected serials and newsletters relating to peace and disarmament including Action for Peace, Pax, Pax et Libertas, Peace News, Victorian Peace Council Information Bulletin, Victorian Peace News, c. 1960s.
P39 - Leaflets and printed material relating to the Vietnam War and peace movement, 1957-1967; Variety of publications relating to peace and Vietnam War including material published by the Victorian Peace Council and World Federation of Democratic Youth; Selected issues of serials relating to peace including Beacon, Peace Action, Peace News and Victorian Peace News, c. 1950s-1960s
P94 - Publications relating to peace, c. 1950s-1960s; Selected serials relating to peace including Beacon, Labor Voice for Peace, Peace Action and Pax et Libertas, c. 1960s.
N94 - Pamphlets and publications relating to peace and disarmament, 1950s-1980s; Minutes of the ACTU Disarmament Sub-Committee, 1960s-1970s
Z356/Box 7 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament leaflets, 1977
Z356/Box 9 - Vietnam - Vietnam Moratorium Committee National Anti-War Conference papers, leaflets, etc., 1971
P14, P64, P124 - Research collections of minutes, circulars, leaflets, pamphlets, books, serials, posters and press cuttings relating to the peace movement and the Vietnam War, c. 1919-1975
P128 - Subject files, printed, roneoed and photocopied material including serials, pamphlets, leaflets, circulars, articles, correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to conscription and the Vietnam War, c. 1952-1976
N57 - Leaflets, reports, publications, articles, correspondence and posters relating to the peace movement and peace organisations and events, c. 1916-1960
N168/470 - Peace Pledge Union (includes 'White Australia Policy' paper and Committee on Non-Violence), 1944-1957
N437 - Flyers, leaflets, correspondence, articles, photographs, notes, ephemera and assorted papers relating to the peace movement, disarmament, peace organisations and events including the Peace Bus, National Consultative Committee on Peace and Disarmament, International Peace Bureau, Australian Coalition for Disarmament and Peace, Pacific Peace Conference, Student Union for Peace Action, Victorian Peace Council and Communist Party of Australia, c. 1940s-2000.
ANUA637/15 - Peace Delegation to the Western and Choiseul Provinces, Terms of Reference, Paradise Lodge, Gizo, 10 August 2000
ANUA637/16 - Solomon Islands Government), Peace Delegation to Western Province, Agenda, Paradise Lodge, Gizo, 10 August 2000
ANUA637/17 - A General Position Paper. Taking Points. Read by the Premier, Reuben Lilo, at the Solomon Islands Government Peace Delegation meeting, Gizo, 11 August 2000
ANUA479/77 - Copies of primary documents collected for an unpublished book on the Bougainville crisis. Includes correspondence and press releases relating to the peace negotiations and the 1991 interim government. A copy of a 'Report to league on relief assistance: Request of PNG Red Cross for Bougainville' by Neville Henry, 1990-1991
ANUA479/81 - Copies of documents from the Bougainville Peace Consultative Committee Technical Meeting, Canberra, March 1998
ANUA479/82 - Copies of documents from the Bougainville Peace Consultative Committee Technical Meeting, Canberra relating to the Lincoln Agreement, March 1998
ANUA479/83 - Copies of documents from the Bougainville Peace Consultative Committee Technical Meeting, Canberra - Draft agenda, opening statement by Martin Miriori; Speech by Sam Kaouna, March 1998
ANUA479/93 - Bougainville Peace Consultative Committee - Summary record of proceedings for first meeting; Briefing paper for the Australian Mission on Bougainville policing; Bougainville restoration and development - Key points for meeting with aid donor representatives, February-March 1998
ANUA479/94 - Bougainville peace talks - Copies of primary documents. Includes correspondence; The Implementation of the ceasefire agreement; Documents from the technical meeting at Rydges Resort, Eaglehawk, Canberra; Briefing papers; Media releases, February-March 1998
ANUA479/128 - Article by Ruth Saovana-Spriggs 'Women in crisis on Bougainville' in Peace News, April 1993
ANUA479/130 - 'A path to peace' - Drafts of an article by Spriggs written for the Canberra Times, October-November 1994
ANUA479/132A - Bougainville conference - Papers relating to the organisation of the conference `The Bougainville crisis: The search for peace and rehabilitation' held at the Australian National University, June 1995
ANUA479/155 - Poster - 'PEACE - KAMAPIM BEL ISI LONG BOGENVIL', Peace Monitoring Group, no date
ANUA479/156 - Poster - 'PEACE - BRINGING PEACE TO BOUGAINVILLE', Peace Monitoring Group, no date
ANUA479/157 - Calendar poster - 'WANPELA NUPELA TAUSEN YIA', Peace Monitoring Group, 2000
N388 - Pamphlets and leaflets relating to the peace movement in Australia, Asia, The Pacific and Europe, c. 1940s-1960s
N157/86 - Peace - Canberra Program for Peace meeting minutes and newsletter The Peace Paper, also information sheets and event flyers, especially concerning nuclear weapons, 1981-1984
N157/87 - Peace - journals, papers, articles, transcripts, some from Christian organisations, 1981-1984
N157/88 - Peace publications, 1982-1986
P2 - Pamphlets, serials, books; press cuttings and printed material relating to the peace movement and disarmament including the Australian Peace Council and World Peace Council, c. 1950s
ANUA271 - Interviews with Kanak / New Caledonian independence leader Jean-Marie Tjibaou, 1988 (sound recordings and transcripts). Interviews conducted soon after the signing in June 1988 of the Matignon Accord. Tjibaou discusses the peace plan for New Caledonia following the four-year conflict over independence.