The ANU Library Catalogue contains all items and subscriptions owned or licensed by the Library.
You can find books by searching the Catalogue by keyword. Here are some search tips to get you started:
For additional advice on book searching, see the Library's Finding Library Resources.
Not sure where to start your research? Click on the links below to browse the Catalogue using subject headings:
Each item in the Library is assigned a call number which designates both its subject and also its place on the shelf.
The listing of Library of Congress classification numbers below suggests where to find materials relevant to Archaeology on the Library shelves.
General works on Archaeology are shelved in the CC call number range, and works on the Archaeology of particular countries are shelved in the History section for each country. Prehistoric Archaeology for all countries is held in the GN call number range.
Chifley CC1 - CC960 General works on Archaeology
Chifley DA History of Britain
Chifley DB History of Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary and Czechoslovakia
Chifley DC History of France
Chifley DD History of Germany
Chifley DE History of the Greco-Roman world
Chifley DF History of Greece
Chifley DG History of Italy and Malta
Chifley DH History of Low Countries. Benelux Countries, Belgium, Luxembourg
Chifley DJ History of the Netherlands
Chifley DK History of Russia. Soviet Union. Former Soviet Republics, Poland
Chifley DL History of Northern Europe. Scandinavia
Chifley DP History of Spain and Portugal
Chifley DQ History of Switzerland
Chifley DR History of Balkan Peninsula
Menzies DS History of Asia
Menzies DT History of Africa
Chifley DU80 - DU399 History of Australia
Menzies DU400 - DU999 History of Oceania
Menzies GN700 - GN890 Prehistoric archaeology
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