Print materials are arranged by Library of Congress Classification and the following subjects are held in the Menzies Library;
DU Oceanic History
- DU400-430 New Zealand
- DU490 Melanesia (General)
- DU500 Micronesia (General)
- DU510 Polynesia (General)
- DU520-950 Smaller island groups
- DU620-629 Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii
- DU739-747 New Guinea
- DU810-819 Samoan Islands
GN Anthropology
- GN301-674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
- GN700-890 Prehistoric archaeology
GR-GT Folklore and customs
- GR1-950 Folklore
- GT1-7070 Manners and customs
J Political Science
- JQ5800-6651 Pacific Political Science
- JV Colonies and colonization
- JV9100-9269 Australia and New Zealand
- JV9290-9470 Pacific Ocean islands
PL Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
- PL6191-6341 Micronesian and Melanesian languages
- PL6401-6551 Polynesian languages
- PL6601-6621 Papuan languages