The branch of library science concerned with the application of mathematical and statistical analysis to bibliography; the statistical analysis of books, articles, or other publications. (Oxford English Dictionary Online)
In other words…data about publications, or citation frequency.
Scientometrics is the branch of information science concerned with the application of bibliometrics to the study of the spread of scientific ideas; the bibliometric analysis of science. (Oxford English Dictionary Online)
A student asks you "What are the best journals in my field?"
A professor asks you "Who is citing my articles? How many times have I been cited?"
A student asks you "How do I know this article is important?"
A professor asks you "Which journal should I publish in?"
Bibliometrics affects:
This guide includes content adapted with permission from Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford and Robin Kear, Liaison Librarian, University of Pittsburgh.
80% of the citations come from about 20% of the journals cited, identifying a core list for a local journal collection.
-- (Chung, 2007)
The emergence of neuroeconomics
This map, constructed using journal-level citation data from the Journal Citation Reports, highlights the role of neuroeconomics in bringing together research in economics and in neuroscience.
Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge)
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