N150/77: Industrial disputes (item showing summary of BLF NSW Branch industrial disputes, Jan-Mar 1973), Stop Works over safety, South Africa and Green Bans, long service leave & Permanency, Industrial Agreements and Awards, Constitution and rules changes of ABLF, French Bob Tests, World Youth Festival (handwritten notes) (1973)
P119/35: The Changing Situation in South Africa, by Don Morton, Geneva (1975)
Z296/Box 10: Apartheid policy - South Africa protest (1964)
Z296/Box 31: Sechaba (South Africa) (1970)
N358/324: South Australian Campaign Against Racial Exploitation (Adelaide, S.A.), 'The fight for freedom in Southern Africa - Hear Lord Tony Gifford, Q.C. as Chairperson of SWAM, the campaign to Stop the War Against Angola and Mozambique, Thursday October 14th at 8pm, in the Way Hall, Central Methodist Mission, Franklin Street [Adelaide]' [poster] (Oct 1982)
N358/105: International solidarity - Central America and the Caribbean, South Africa and Ireland (c. 1980s)
N151/23: Letter about Whitlam campaign funding, Hawke, South Africa sporting visits, Freda Brown WIDF President, CPSU congress in Moscow (Mar 1976)
N410/30: Socialist Action Club - general papers. Includes papers relating to South Africa and apartheid
Z457/Box 132: Apartheid (1971 - 1973)
Z457/Box 147: Untitled file. Miscellaneous printed material relating to 3CR inquiry and racial exploitation. Also includes United Nations special report against Apartheid (1975 - 1977)
Z457/Box 155: Anti-racism pamphlets (specifically oppostion to the Nazi Party and apartheid) (1971 - 1972)
P64/13/31-32: South Africa protest, Melbourne; South Africa defence and aid fund in Australia, Sydney - leaflets (1965 - 1969)
P124/277: Leaflets re apartheid (1970, 1972)
P124/511-513: Newspaper cuttings re apartheid and the Springbok tour (1970 - 1972)
P14/13/21: Anti-apartheid movement - leaflets, circulars etc (1960)
ANUA 7/7: Professor DV Cowan, South Africa (1951 - 1962)
N157: Includes many scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on a variety of international issues, including South Africa/Apartheid
Z267/Box 10: Untitled (penal provisions; South Africa; Wages) (1963)