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Indigenous Australians

ANUA379 - Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture files, 1971-2000

ANUA96 - Published material relating to Indigenous Australians from the ANU Department of Anthropology and Sociology, 1957-1978

ANUA73 - Jabal Centre records, 1998-2001


Australian National University correspondence files

ANUA53/Box 366 - Aboriginal employment, nd 

ANUA53/Box 1108 - DEET Consultancy To Develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recruitment Strategy (3 files), nd

ANUA53/Boxes 1098 & 1099 - Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies (9 files), nd

ANUA53/Box 1021 - Community Relations - Exhibitions - Aboriginal Art - Hope Neill, 1994

ANUA53/Box 785 - Forestry Department Scholarship for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Student (2 files), nd

ANUA53/Box 1194 - Centre For Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Advisory Committee, nd

ANUA53/Box 1162 - Transcription & Analysis Of Aboriginal Rock Music K Oien AIATSIS Grant, nd

ANUA53/Box 1162 - Songs Of Female Aboriginal Song Writers, nd

ANUA53/Box 1162 - Aboriginal Rock Music K Oien S Account, nd


Australian National University central files

ANUA239/Box 479 - Student Progress Scholarships Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Students Postgraduate Scholarships, nd


ANU Instructional Resources Unit video recordings

ANUA423/228 - Bob Randell Corroboree, Union Square, ANU. Contents: Aboriginal dances; Vice-Chancellor; Dean of Students, 24 Feb 1992

ANUA423/87 - Aboriginal and Islander Community Policing, K Hazlehurst. Summary of contents: A training video to demonstrate community policing techniques, Cherbourg Community, Queensland, Apr 1988

ANUA423/101 - Primary Prevention for Community Well-Being, Kayleen Hazelhurst. Contents: Ron Daylight interviews Jean Jans on the topic of Primary Prevention of Crime in Aboriginal Communities. Subject: Law. Department: Institute of Criminology, Aug 1989

ANUA423/104 - Report on Nullabor Sites, Scott Cane. Summary of contents: Explanation of a report written on Nullabor Plain aboriginal sites. Subject: Aboriginalines. Department: Prehistory/Anthropology, Aug 1989

ANUA423/160 - ANU Twilight Lecture Series includes Aboriginal colonisation of Australia using new dating methods by Dr R Jones, Apr 1993


Photographs, scrapbooks and audiovisual material from the ANU North Australian Research Unit

ANUA240/2/13/1-2/14/5 - Seminar on Aboriginal food, 1993

ANUA240/4/27/2 - Aboriginal art and artefacts, nd

ANUA240/5 - Photographs taken during Dr Linda Ellanna's fieldwork in Bulman, Northern Territory under a grant from NARU to study economic development in Aboriginal communities (58 photos), 1988 


Urban Research Unit papers and publications

ANUA52/212 Access to Income Maintenance for Aborigines and Migrants: A Thesis Proposal on the Administrative Allocation of Resources by Will Sanders, 1983

ANUA52/224Planning for the People: Aboriginal Views of Housing, Northern Territory Construction, July 1983, pp 16-18 by Helen Ross (Department of Aboriginal Affairs), 1983

ANUA52/232Aboriginal Town Camping: Institutional Practices and Local Politics by Will Sanders, 1984

ANUA52/249Aborigines and the Social Security System: A Policy Studies Approach, a draft of introductory chapter for PhD provisionally entitled Access, Administration and Politics: The Social Security System and Aborigines by Will Sanders, 1985


Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies photographs

ANUA653/136 - Portrait of Dr Will Sanders, CAEPR (Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research), RSSS (Research School of Social Sciences), Apr 1995

ANUA653/182 - Japanese art students from Kyoto Technical College at the Canberra School of Art, leaning Aboriginal painting techniques with Dennis Trew, CSA lecturer, Aug 1995

ANUA653/644 - Two Aboriginal Elders talking to a group of overseas students at ANUTECH, Feb 1999

ANUA653/664 - Press Conference by Dr Alan Thorne on the dating of Aboriginal remains at Lake Mungo, Coombs Tea Room, May 1999

ANUA653/811 - Lost in the Whitewash - Aboriginal Encounters from Federation to Reconciliation, Old Canberra House, Dec 2000

ANUA653/871 - Aboriginal Stone Tools photographed for Professor Jim Allen, Archaeology and Natural History, RSPAS, Aug 2001


Department of Economic History administrative files, research material and publications

ANUA230/31 - Economic history conference paper - The palaeoeconomic history of Aboriginal migration by Noel Butlin, 1988

ANUA230/83Close encounters of the worst kind : modelling aboriginal depopulation and resource competition, 1788-1850 by Noel Butlin. Working paper No. 8, Sep 1982

ANUA230/97 Macassans and Aboriginal smallpox : the '1789' and '1829' epidemics by Noel Butlin, Working paper No. 22, May 1984


Photographs of buildings and events at the Australian National University

ANUA226/3 - Aboriginal Liaison Office, 1995

ANUA226/4 - Aboriginal Students' Centre, c. 1989-1990

ANUA226/5 - Opening of Aboriginal Students' Centre, 1989

ANUA226/6 - Aborigines, 1984-1986

ANUA226/388 - Aboriginal bush meeting, c. 1980s

ANUA226/478 - Aboriginal people and events, 1972-1993

ANUA226/854 - Aboriginal presentation to overseas students, 1999

ANUA226/875 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research book launch, 1999


ANU marketing photographs

ANUA579/356 - Aboriginal music demonstration with Aboriginal Liaison Officer Bob Randall and international students during Orientation Week, Feb 1993

ANUA579/354 - Opening of Aboriginal Student Centre at Melville Hall, May 1989

ANUA579/353 - Portraits of Indigenous graduates for Aboriginal Liaison Office, TJABAL and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Centre, 1992

ANUA579/357 - Author Pat Torres with Aboriginal Liaison Officer Bob Randall and children at TJABAL Indigenous Higher Education Centre, May 1990

ANUA579/358 - Aboriginal Liaison Officer Bob Randall with current and prospective Aboriginal students, Mar 1989

ANUA579/436 - Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies [AIAS] exhibition, May 1984

ANUA579/361 - Aboriginal dancing demonstration in Union Court, Feb 1992

ANUA579/360 - Dr David Suzuki with Aboriginal Liaison Officer Bob Randall, May 1992

ANUA579/359 - Aboriginal Students Familiarisation Program participants, Sep 1989

ANUA579/390 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research staff, 2001-2004


Art Forum recordings

ANUA431/5 - Hoff, Jennifer - Post-contact Aboriginal art, 1983

ANUA431/123 - Bancroft, Bronwyn - Aboriginal screen printed textiles and fashion designs, 1988

ANUA431/126 - Foley, Fiona - Aboriginal murals, etching, drawing and sculpture, 1988

ANUA431/127 - Gilbert, Kevin - Values and ideas underlying Aboriginal culture, 1988

ANUA431/129 - Kleinert, Sylvia - Aboriginal art, 1988

ANUA431/137 - Lendon, Nigel - Aboriginality from Preston to Tillers, 1988

ANUA431/140 - Moffat, Tracey - Aboriginal film maker, 1988

ANUA431/142 - Mundine, John - Contemporary issues in Aboriginal art, 1988

ANUA431/151 - Trembaly, Theo - Aboriginal printmaking and Pooaraar, 1988


ANU Centre for Continuing Education

ANUA173/59 - Design for Diversity: Further Education for Tribal Aborigines in the North, 1976

ANUA173/61 - Homes for Blacks: Aboriginal Community and Adoption, 1976


Records of the Director, Research School of Social Sciences

ANUA546/101 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, 1992-1998 


Graduate School files and publications

ANUA259/44 - Scholarships - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, 1992-1999


Publications for ANU students

ANUA156/28 - Leaflet - Aboriginal Admission and Student Support Program, 1990


Annual reports of research schools and centres

ANUA179/123 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Annual Report, 1990

ANUA179/124 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Annual Report, 2005


Publications of university centres

ANUA183/37 - Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research annual report, 1999


ANU Women's Studies Program audiovisual material and photographs

ANUA22/11 - Cassette - Myrna Tonkinson, women in Aboriginal society, 31 Jul 1979