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Using Primo

A guide to using the ANU Library search and discovery platform

What is My Library Record

My Library Record is your personalised account of library transactions. It is located in the Primo platform and is where you can access:

  • loans information - see the items you have checked out, their due dates, and renewal options
  • requests - see any requests that you have made and their status
  • fines and fees - see any fines or fees you have owing
  • blocks and messages - see any messages you may have
  • history - review your favourites lists and search history.

Accessing My Library Record

To access My Library Record select Sign in from the top menu bar of the search and discovery platform.

Once signed in your name will appear in the top right of your screen.  Click on your name to get more options.

Select Library Record to navigate through your loans and requests, or check your personal details.

Managing loans

You can check your due dates and renew your loans using My Library Record.

Select My Loans under My Library Record. This will show you a list of all your current loans and due dates. To renew a loan, find the item in your list and select renew.

Alerts notifications

My Library Record displays alert notifications to let users know relevant information, such as:

LoanDueIcon.png Loan due or overdue – a borrowed item is almost due or overdue.

RequestReadyIcon.png Hold ready – a requested item is ready for pickup.

MessageBlockIcon.png Blocks and messages – a particular activity has been blocked or the Library has sent a message.

FineFeeIcon.png Fines and fees – the user has incurred a fine or fee.

Alerts will appear next to a specific tab at the top of My Library Record or next to an item in a borrowing activity tab (e.g. the Loans or Requests tabs).

Page Contact: ANU Library Communication Team